Week Five: The Perfect Role Model
Hello, all. Welcome back to another weekly blog post. This post is a straight one-shot. There's no backstory because, well, it's not really needed. So we're just going to jump right into this tomfoolery that happened back when I was, like, eleven years old. To set this story up, I'm going to start off by stating two relevant facts: 1) When I was younger, my mother was the type to tell me very often how beautiful she thought I was (as many other parents did with their children, I'm sure). 2) Like (hopefully) many other kids did, I went through a legitimate phase where I wanted to be famous. "The Perfect Role Model" It turns out I kind of hate attention. You know how malls have those salespeople who flag you down and try to get you to give them your time through some form of sorcerous, psychological manipulation? Yeah, my family and I tended to run into those often. We usually did what most people do: avoid eye contact, keep walking, hop...